Campus Involvement
Lambda members are involved in many different activities on campus. Although a majority of our members are part of a sports team, we also have women in Theater, Choir, Newspaper and other leadership roles around campus.
Below is a list of all the activities you can find Tri Delta's a part of:
- Cheer
- Cross Country
- Dance
- Golf
- Soccer
- Softball
- Volleyball
- Tennis
- Track
- Baseball Manager
- Panhellenic
- Theatre
- Speech choir
- Choir
- ParMentors
- Student Activities Council (SAC)
- Active Minds
- Gamma Sigma Alpha
- Order of Omega
- Student Senate
- Phi Eta Sigma
- Orientation Leaders
- Newspaper
- T.V.
- Alpha Mu Gamma
- Band
- Jazz Band
- Baker Serves
- Called to Greatness
- Cardinal Key
- Politics Club